vFam is a HMMER3 database of profile hidden
Markov models (HMMs) built from all the viral
proteins present in RefSeq.

The manuscript describing vFam has been submitted,
and information regarding its publication will appear here.

Feb. 2014 build:
High-performance vFams: vFam A
All vFams: vFam B
Sequences in vFams: FASTA file
Annotation Files: .zip .txt

Feb. 2013 build*:
*This is the version of vFam used in the publication.
High-performance vFams: vFam A
All vFams: vFam B
Sequences in vFams: FASTA file
Annotation Files: .zip .txt

Note that the cluster numbering may change between vFam builds
as sequences are added to or removed from RefSeq. Refer to the appropriate
annotations for each vFam to ensure proper interpretation.

Related software:
Custom HMM-building software pipeline: profileHMMsFromFASTA.py
Translation software: TranslatorSource

vFam will be updated at least once per year -- check back for updates!
Last updated February 2014
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