Exploratory analysis of the potential for advanced diagnostic testing to reduce healthcare expenditures of patients hospitalized with meningitis or encephalitisFulton BD, Proudman DG, Sample HA, Gelfand JM, Chiu CY, DeRisi JL, Wilson MR
PLoS One, 2020Abstract: Patients hospitalized with meningitis (N = 23,933) or encephalitis (N = 7,858) in the U.S. were identified in the 2010-2014 Truven Health MarketScan Commercial Claims and Encounters Database using ICD-9-CM diagnostic codes. The database included an average of 40.8 million commercially insured enrollees under age 65 per year. Clinical, demographic and healthcare utilization criteria were used to identify patient subgroups early in their episode who were at risk to have high inpatient expenditures. Healthcare expenditures of patients within each subgroup were bifurcated: those expenditures that remained five days after the patient could be classified into the subgroup versus those that had occurred previously.